pp108 : Importing an Entry into LDAP

Importing an Entry into LDAP

This topic describes the procedure to import an external file to LDAP.

Before you begin this task: Access Management Console and connect to LDAP as an authenticated user.

  1. Click Content Management in the Management Console window. The Content Management page is displayed.
  2. Click Content > Import. Alternatively, click on the toolbar. The Import dialog box is displayed.
  3. Select the LDIF file to be imported and click Import. During import, if an LDIF entry already exists in the LDAP, the import is considered a modification of the existing LDAP entry. In such a case, a confirmation box pops up asking you to confirm the modification. The LDAP Import page appears, displaying the number of entries modified and the number of new entries created.
  4. Click Content > Refresh. The updated content is displayed.

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